Friday, December 19, 2008

Discover IntegriSign Express - Accelerate Business with On-Demand eSignatures

IntegriSign Express is Interlink’s paperless, on-demand solution for securely affixing electronic signatures to documents. This fast, easy-to-use technology enhances green initiatives, cuts costs, accelerates business, and improves efficiencies.

Enhance Green Initiatives, Save Money

Implementing IntegriSign Express to get documents e-signed will benefit your organization’s green technology initiatives. You’ll reduce your carbon footprint and save money by reducing the need for paper, toner, and courier services.

Expedite Business Transactions

IntegriSign Express accelerates the deployment of electronic signatures and expedites important business transactions. Documents, such as non-disclosure agreements, estimates, and contracts, can be esigned in the time it takes to walk over to the printer and fax machine.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

As a hosted solution, IntegriSign Express is a key example of the growing movement to ‘Cloud Computing’ or ‘Software as a Service’ – real-time delivery of business and consumer services through the Internet. SaaS solutions provide a faster way to deliver services such as e-signing without adding any technology overhead. This gives users, even those with minimal IT skills, tremendous efficiency in their daily workflow.

How It Works

The IntegriSign Express e-signing process is completed in four simple steps:

1. Send Email. Using the intuitive IntegriSign Express interface, the originator of the e-signing process sends an email invitation to the signers.

2. Capture eSignature. The signers receive the email, which includes a link to IntegriSign Express where the document is read and e-signed.

3. Receive PDF Copy. A PDF copy of the esigned document is sent to everyone involved in the process.

4. Store PDF. The e-signed PDF can be archived or routed electronically for continued processing.

IntegriSign Express for NetSuite

If you are a NetSuite customer, you’ll be delighted to learn that IntegriSign Express is now fully integrated into NetSuite CRM+. You and your customers can e-sign documents without exiting the application. For details go to: www.integrisignexpress/netsuite.

IntegriSign Express Information

For more information or to open an IntegriSign Express account, go to:

Monday, December 1, 2008

Webinar: Deploy On-Demand Electronic Signatures Without Delay

Wish you could complete an e-signing process in the time it takes to walk to the fax machine? Now you can with IntegriSign Express! Learn how at our December 9th Webinar.

IntegriSign Express is the latest Software as a Service (SaaS) addition to Interlink’s 'eSign AnywhereTM Platform' of electronic signature solutions. It’s an easy-to-use technology that offers a fast, secure way to affix esignatures to documents.

By going paperless with IntegriSign Express, you can deploy esignatures instantly, on-demand and avoid the cumbersome email-print-sign-fax process triggered by the need for a wet-ink signature on printed documents such as non-disclosure agreements and contracts.

At our free, educational Webinar on Dec 9, you’ll learn how IntegriSign Express can help you:

  • Close business faster
  • Eliminate the inefficiencies of paper processes
  • Reduce costs by eliminating fax and courier charges
  • Alleviate the burden of software maintenance and support
  • Integrate on-demand esignatures within your own application or website

    In addition, you will hear how NetSuite® – a Web-based business applications provider – has implemented IntegriSign Express to complement their cloud computing / SaaS solutions.

    Interlink Speakers:
    - Rodney G. Vesling, Senior Vice President for eTransactions
    - Robert Williams, Program Manager, IntegriSign Express