Monday, May 4, 2009

Electronic Signatures - Green Technology and Oh-So-Trendy.

The new ePad-vision has it all: contemporary design, portability, tons of functionality.

It’s all over the news these days … green your world, green your life, green your business. Can you do it? Is it difficult, time consuming, costly? What can your organization do that will make a big impact, can be implemented easily, almost immediately, and is cost-efficient?

You can deploy electronic signatures across all channels of your enterprise.

Where to start? Start with the ePad-vision from Interlink Electronics. This sleek, contemporary esignature capture device is exactly what your Green Initiatives managers are looking for. ePad-vision is the latest in Interlink’s string of successful esignature capture pads that provide a green solution for automating processes requiring a signature.

Going green with electronic signatures means that your business can dramatically decrease the need for document printing, routing, and storage. This translates into a highly impactful reduction in the reliance on resource-intensive activities, as well as major monetary savings – something all businesses are trying to achieve right now.

So what is ePad-vision all about? ePad-vision has brains and brawn, but in a wonderfully compact yet stylish body. It is the epitome of Interlink’s eSign Anywhere™ Platform – performing equally well in the office or out on the dusty trail for customer-facing applications. Its power is boosted by the Interlink IntegriSign Desktop software that accompanies it.

This brilliant little device contains tons of functionality. Sure, ePad-vision make esignature capture fun and interesting by letting you add background images to the signing screen. But even better, it serves as a paperless marketing tool that can display your ads and branded messages for products, services, and special offers. Best of all, it comes with user-programmable widgets that let customers use onscreen check boxes and response buttons to make selections and opt-in to purchases. That means you can close those sales and add to your corporate revenues right then and there!

Here are just some of ePad-vision’s great features…

Key Features / Benefits

• Large, Full-Color LCD Screen – large signing area displays full-color, high resolution images and text
• Branding / Marketing – enables display of special offers, branded messaging, rotating marketing slicks
• Customizable Background – lets you present attractive, colorful images in backgrounds and screen savers
• Selectable Options – enables opt-ins and selections via check boxes and response buttons
• Onscreen Surveys – provide quick insight into valuable customer feedback
• Loaded with Images – use immediately; includes 1 default background image & 10 screen-saver images
• User-Programmable – lets staff make their own display parameter changes using intuitive control interfaces
• Passive Stylus – the touch-sensitive stylus is easy-to-use at any angle, and does not stop ePad-vision from working if the inexpensive, easily replaced pen goes missing
• USB Powered – there is no need for an extra power supply, which keeps ePad-vision light & portable
• Plug-Ins – once ePad-vision is installed, you’re ready to esign MS Word, Excel Outlook, or Adobe documents
• Upgradeable Software – comes bundled with IntegriSign Desktop software, and is compatible with IntegriSign Pro or IntegriSign Emcee software for enhanced capabilities
• Reliability Certification – ePad-vision is professionally tested and certified for reliability
• Incredible Price Point – all these capabilities, yet offered at an incredibly sweet (competitive) price!

Convinced? Ready to be hip, and equip your entire team with ePad-vision? Your bean counters and green program overseers will love you for it. So don’t wait – order yours TODAY!