Friday, December 19, 2008

Discover IntegriSign Express - Accelerate Business with On-Demand eSignatures

IntegriSign Express is Interlink’s paperless, on-demand solution for securely affixing electronic signatures to documents. This fast, easy-to-use technology enhances green initiatives, cuts costs, accelerates business, and improves efficiencies.

Enhance Green Initiatives, Save Money

Implementing IntegriSign Express to get documents e-signed will benefit your organization’s green technology initiatives. You’ll reduce your carbon footprint and save money by reducing the need for paper, toner, and courier services.

Expedite Business Transactions

IntegriSign Express accelerates the deployment of electronic signatures and expedites important business transactions. Documents, such as non-disclosure agreements, estimates, and contracts, can be esigned in the time it takes to walk over to the printer and fax machine.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

As a hosted solution, IntegriSign Express is a key example of the growing movement to ‘Cloud Computing’ or ‘Software as a Service’ – real-time delivery of business and consumer services through the Internet. SaaS solutions provide a faster way to deliver services such as e-signing without adding any technology overhead. This gives users, even those with minimal IT skills, tremendous efficiency in their daily workflow.

How It Works

The IntegriSign Express e-signing process is completed in four simple steps:

1. Send Email. Using the intuitive IntegriSign Express interface, the originator of the e-signing process sends an email invitation to the signers.

2. Capture eSignature. The signers receive the email, which includes a link to IntegriSign Express where the document is read and e-signed.

3. Receive PDF Copy. A PDF copy of the esigned document is sent to everyone involved in the process.

4. Store PDF. The e-signed PDF can be archived or routed electronically for continued processing.

IntegriSign Express for NetSuite

If you are a NetSuite customer, you’ll be delighted to learn that IntegriSign Express is now fully integrated into NetSuite CRM+. You and your customers can e-sign documents without exiting the application. For details go to: www.integrisignexpress/netsuite.

IntegriSign Express Information

For more information or to open an IntegriSign Express account, go to:

Monday, December 1, 2008

Webinar: Deploy On-Demand Electronic Signatures Without Delay

Wish you could complete an e-signing process in the time it takes to walk to the fax machine? Now you can with IntegriSign Express! Learn how at our December 9th Webinar.

IntegriSign Express is the latest Software as a Service (SaaS) addition to Interlink’s 'eSign AnywhereTM Platform' of electronic signature solutions. It’s an easy-to-use technology that offers a fast, secure way to affix esignatures to documents.

By going paperless with IntegriSign Express, you can deploy esignatures instantly, on-demand and avoid the cumbersome email-print-sign-fax process triggered by the need for a wet-ink signature on printed documents such as non-disclosure agreements and contracts.

At our free, educational Webinar on Dec 9, you’ll learn how IntegriSign Express can help you:

  • Close business faster
  • Eliminate the inefficiencies of paper processes
  • Reduce costs by eliminating fax and courier charges
  • Alleviate the burden of software maintenance and support
  • Integrate on-demand esignatures within your own application or website

    In addition, you will hear how NetSuite® – a Web-based business applications provider – has implemented IntegriSign Express to complement their cloud computing / SaaS solutions.

    Interlink Speakers:
    - Rodney G. Vesling, Senior Vice President for eTransactions
    - Robert Williams, Program Manager, IntegriSign Express
  • Wednesday, September 10, 2008

    eSignatures Drive Revenues: Capture Additional Business Across All Channels

    Becoming paperless reduces costs and makes your organization more efficient. But when done right, it also has a direct impact on corporate growth. How? eSignatures empower you to capture business when your customers are ready to act, whether they are in-branch, in-field or online.

    In the following paragraphs you will learn how to choose the esignature solution that can improve your customer-facing and web-based processes while generating revenues.

    In-Branch: Cross-Sell Effectively

    Use the ePad LS to capture legally-binding esignatures while you're face-to-face with a customer. But don't stop at esigning, the ePad LS enables you to:

    • Cross-sell effectively. Present full-color cross-marketing messages, ads, and special offers that can help generate additional business and revenues.

    • Capture customer information, such as street or email address, with the on-screen keyboard.

    • Authenticate users and capture phone numbers with the on-screen PIN pad.

    • Conduct on-screen surveys to obtain valuable customer feedback.

    In-Field: Remain Paperless

    Empower you representatives to capture esignatures while in-field with a Tablet PC running IntegriSign Pro esignature software. You will:

    • Eliminate re-keying errors by keeping the process completely paperless - no need for wet-ink signatures on paper, photocopies, courier service, or back office re-keying.

    • Maximize your IT investment by esignature-enabling the Tablet PCs.

    Online: Reduce Attrition Rates

    When customers are on your website, don't let them get away; empower them to esign! Integrisign Emcee, Interlink's esigning server, lets you:

    • Reduce attrition rates by completing business entirely online!

    • Leverage your mobile banking infrastructure, online authentication and credit scoring systems.

    • Deploy enterprise-wide. IntegriSign Emcee supports click-through signatures, but also accepts handwritten electronic signatures captured with an ePad, Tablet PC or a touch-screen smartphone. IntegriSign Emcee becomes your core esignature application, regardless of whether your process requires a handwritten esignature or a click on "I Accept".

    eSignature technology makes your organization more efficient, reduces costs and contributes to your Green Initiative - that's a given. But eSignature technology will also help you capture new business and effectively cross-sell additional products and services to your current customers - that's a CEO-friendly IT investment!

    Tuesday, August 5, 2008


    eSignature deployments, like any new technology initiative, must have a tangible benefit associated with it. Organizations often ask how to accurately calculate the return on investment (ROI) when it comes to e-signatures.

    Although industry standard formulas will often produce very impressive cost savings, look beyond those numbers in order to truly see the value of esignature technology. Electronic signatures can help generate revenue, improve processes and support compliance.

    Here are a few things to consider when evaluating esignatures:

    1) Process Analysis: Look closely at one paper process and analyze where the inefficiencies occur. Once you've identified the pain points, you can then easily determine how to streamline your processes and project the savings in both time and money. Some of the hard costs to consider include: raw paper cost, storage costs, shipping expenses, and the effect on your NIGO rate (not-in-good-order). Also determine the amount of time employees spend on managing paper and calculate the benefits of shifting some of their time to more productive activities.

    2) Top & Bottom Line Impact: An e signature solution can have a significant impact on both the top and bottom line. Look at how the technology can reduce processing times, which helps generate additional revenue. Enhanced productivity has a tangible value that must be considered in determining the overall ROI.

    Consider how the bottom line is improved by generating a customer account or getting approval in minutes instead of hours or days. These tangible process improvements lead to higher customer satisfaction and retention, the key factors to selling additional and more profitable products.

    Compliance: By integrating e-signatures within your e-processes, you can ensure that all required esignatures are captured before a process can continue. This can greatly reduce the NIGO rate, eliminate the additional mailing costs incurred when documents must be sent back to customers or field offices for completion, and increases the ability to close business faster.

    Long and Short Term Goals: After seeing the benefits of capturing esignatures in one particular process, other applications can be identified and automated. After all, capturing esignatures can happen in-branch, in-the-field and even online - so it can expand to any business environment and across all channels. To avoid having to deploy numerous solutions to verify esignatures, make sure the chosen electronic signature solution scales with the organization’s needs.

    Conclusion: eSignatures are often the "glue" that allows an organization to fully utilize other electronic processes and gain maximum value from previous IT investments. For example, a document management and archiving system can only be fully utilized when a process is truly end-to-end. Why print an eform to capture an esignature; keep the process electronic. Interlink's esignature technology helps organization achieve an enterprise-wide paperless environment, bringing cost savings and enhanced productivity far above the initial investment of deploying e-signatures.

    Monday, July 28, 2008

    Paperless Office: Automotive Industry Taking Lead

    Paperless processes are increasingly being adopted by the automotive finance industry in both eContracting and Remarketing applications. eContracting provides great benefits to everyone involved: dealers can receive funding as fast as the same day, lenders can process twice as much work in comparison to a paper process1, and customers benefit from more efficient and secure transactions.

    Remarketing pertains to the re-sale of end-of-lease vehicles. When a leased vehicle is returned to the dealership for lease termination, it has to be inspected and processed for remarketing purposes. The paperwork is time consuming and expensive, so electronic signature solutions are welcomed as an ideal way to generate reductions in cost and processing time.

    Here are some key facts regarding the use of esignature technology in the Automotive Industry:

    • eContracting can eliminate up to 25 days from a traditional paper process.
    • Lenders can process twice as much work with an e-process.[1]
    • As of 2008, nearly half a million electronic contracts have been processes through DealerTrack.[2]
    • Experts predict that within five years, nearly all contracts will be e-contracts.[3]

    [2] 2008_DealerTrack_eCon.pdf

    Friday, May 30, 2008

    Admissibility of e-evidence

    When deployed properly, an electronic signatures solution can reduce risk compared to wet ink in paper and be enforced in a court of law.

    The admissibility of esignatures starts with ESIGN. ESIGN states that an electronic signature may be as legally effective as a traditional pen on paper signature and cannot be dismissed solely because the signature is electronic. Evidence of an individual(s) intent to sign is critical. Admissibility and enforceability starts with consent.

    When signing via an electronic signature, all documents must be presented and signed in the correct order – the specific act of signing.

    All electronic records must be archived (accurately) and retrievable (to anyone who is entitled to them). Without this, enforceability is compromised.

    Proven authentication is a condition to admissibility.
    An audit trail is required to capture and detail authentication, consent, document presentation, document signing, and archiving.

    While there are still unknowns when it comes to esignatures, this shouldn’t deter an organization from implementing an esignature solution. In fact, organizations are protected by ESIGN and federal rules of evidence that are suited for electronic signatures, sections and rules:
    • 901(b)(1), (3), (4), (9)
    • 902(7), (11)
    For more information about esignatures and admissibility, please visit LLB&L.

    Thursday, April 24, 2008

    What does eSign AnywhereTM mean?

    eSign Anywhere is Interlink Electronics powerful esignature platform that offers individuals the security and flexibility of signing important documents electronically. Developed from the strengths of the ePad™ Family of signature capture devices, eSign Anywhere redefines what it means to put pen to paper. Comprehensive desktop and server-based esignature solutions provide tremendous benefits of legally-binding handwritten and click-through esignatures, robust security, as well as mobile options. Be safe, save time, and go green while esigning anywhere.

    Tuesday, April 15, 2008

    What is an electronic signature?

    Traditionally, we sign paper documents to ceremonially indicate consent, indicate the “who, why, and when” surrounding a written transaction or agreement, or execute a legally binding contract. As these activities become electronic, the procedure for“signing” them must naturally become electronic as well.

    An “electronic signature” under UETA (Uniform Electronic Transaction Act) and ESIGN (Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act) is an “electronic sound, symbol, or process attached to or logically associated with a record and executed or adopted by a person with the intent to sign the record.” (UETA § 2[8]; ESIGN § 106). Included within this definition are traditional ink signatures, typed names, or a click-through on a software program’s dialog box combined with some other identification process, including biometric measurements (such as a retinal scan or thumbprint), a digitized picture of a handwritten signature, or a complex, encrypted authentication system.

    Learn more about electronic signatures here.

    Thursday, March 20, 2008

    What is a Signing Ceremony?

    Historically, a signing ceremony is when a bill passed by a governing body and signed into law. In the United States, it’s not uncommon to have those in Congress who helped craft the bill be present for the signing ceremony. In some cases, those who participate in a signing ceremony are given their own pen to use.

    What Interlink has done is taken the foundation of what is a signing ceremony and applied it to the online space.

    No more sifting through and organizing, verifying, storing and retrieving documents. These tasks are neither fun nor easy. It takes time and energy. Interlink’s IntegriSign Emcee removes the chaos from ceremonies.

    So what’s an online/electronic Signing Ceremony?

    First, a Signing Ceremony is more than applying your signature or clicking “I ACCEPT” in a document. A Signing Ceremony enables organizations of any size to design the signing process from beginning to end. This includes:
    • Selecting the documents to be reviewed and signed
    • Establishing the correct document presentation order
    • Authenticating the signers
    • Capturing intent
    • Binding signers to documents
    • Producing audit trail with validated time-stamps for each action
    From a legal standpoint, a well executed Signing Ceremony is irrefutable – this protects the organization and eliminates any confusion of who signed what and when.

    Plus, with IntegriSign Emcee, Signers select their own pen for the Signing Ceremony; either via Click-through, electronic signing pad or touch-screen smartphone. And, depending on what’s being signed, any given combination of pen/signing devices can be used on the same document.